Lancaster BMAT: How do they use your score?

Last Updated: 16th May 2023

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How does Lancaster use the BMAT?

Different medical schools use BMAT scores differently in admissions, but how will Lancaster University use BMAT results in 2018 and what is the Lancaster BMAT cut off?


Lancaster BMAT Cut Off

The BMAT (Biomedical Aptitude Test) is an admissions test used by several medical schools. These medical schools include Imperial College, Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Brighton & Sussex, Keele, Lancaster and Leeds. The different universities use the BMAT scores in different ways. Although Lancaster doesn’t have pre-defined cut off, applicants are ranked pre-interview based on their BMAT totals. The Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018 is a combined score taking into account all sections of the BMAT.


Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018

The Lancaster medical school website comments about the Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018, saying:

“Lancaster Medical School calculates the total BMAT score by combining the individual scores for Sections 1, 2 and 3. Section 1 is scored out of 9; Section 2 is scored out of 9; and Section 3 is scored out of 5 (for quality of content). We do not use the quality of English score (A-E).”

Therefore from each of the three BMAT sections, the Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018 is formed by adding the scores together. This forms a maximum possible score of 23.

Although there is not a pre-defined cut off, these scores are then used to rank the applicants.

Applicants who rank highly are then offered interviews at Lancaster, providing they fulfil the other academic requirements of the selection process and have provided a satisfactory personal statement.

Those offered an interview from Lancaster last year had BMAT scores of 9.8 and above.

Visit our Imperial BMAT cut off page to learn more about the Imperial BMAT cut off.


How does the Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018 compare to other years?

The Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018 compares to other years’ BMAT cut offs as follows:


Total score of 10.5


Total score of 9.7

Of those that were then offered places in 2015, the mean BMAT score was 12.0 

How does the Lancaster BMAT cut off 2018 compare to national averages?

The BMAT website says that “the scale has been designed so that typical applicants to the most highly selective undergraduate university courses (who are by definition academically very able) will score in the region of 5.0. The best applicants will score more highly, but 6.0 represents a comparatively high score and only a few very exceptional applicants will achieve BMAT scores higher than 7.0”.

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