Cambridge Acceptance Rates 2023 – The Definitive Guide

The University of Cambridge is notoriously difficult to get into, but we thankfully have data to understand exactly how difficult it is to do so. In this guide, we'll take a deep dive into this data, exploring the acceptance rates for every undergraduate course taught at Cambridge.

Last Updated: 28th February 2025

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The University of Cambridge is one of the most selective universities in the world, with a huge pool of highly competitive applicants across the 30 undergraduate courses on offer.  

With so many applicants and such a limited number of spaces, offer rates and acceptance rates at Cambridge are very low, especially for the most popular subjects. However, knowing the admissions data for your course will give you more context into how difficult the admissions process will be. 

In this guide, we’ll be taking a deep dive into Cambridge’s Admissions Statistics report to understand the acceptance rates of every undergraduate course currently available. Let’s get started!

University of Cambridge Acceptances Rates - overall

If you don’t already know, a university’s “acceptance rate” is the percentage of applicants who are admitted to study at said university in a given year. This is calculated as such: 

Number of admitted applicants/Total number of applicants

There are actually two key statistics that are important to consider though, as universities will have a different offer rate, which is the percentage of applicants who were offered a place. This figure is always higher than the acceptance rates, as not everyone who is given an offer will be admitted, either because they reject the offer or because they did not achieve the required grades in their exams. 

When it comes to Oxbridge applications (Oxford & Cambridge), offer rates are usually more important to consider as receiving an offer to study at either university is extremely difficult. When an applicant has received their Oxbridge offer, it’s more than likely that they will accept it and will hopefully be admitted, hence why the offer rates and acceptance rates are usually so close.  

First things first, let’s look at the overall acceptance rates for the University of Cambridge over the years. While there isn’t too much variance in rates, some years did have higher rates of acceptance than others for a variety of reasons (The year presented is the year of entry).

Cambridge Acceptance Rates (2019 - 2023)


Applicants: 21,445

Offers: 4,553

Acceptances: 3,557 

Offer Rate: 21.2%

Acceptance Rate: 16.6%


Applicants: 22,470

Offers: 4,238

Acceptances: 3,544 

Offer Rate: 18.9%

Acceptance Rate: 15.8%


Applicants: 22,795

Offers: 4,260

Acceptances: 3,660

Offer Rate: 18.7%

Acceptance Rate: 16.1%


Applicants: 20,426

Offers: 4,710

Acceptances: 3,997

Offer Rate: 23.1%

Acceptance Rate: 19.6%


Applicants: 19,359

Offers: 4,694

Success Rate: 3,528

Offer Rate: 24.2%

Acceptance Rate: 18.2%

Interestingly, we can see that before the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, offers to study at Cambridge were much more common, with almost 25% of applicants getting an offer. These rates were still high in the 2020 application cycle, but since then, neither offer nor acceptance rates have risen above 20%.  

This goes to show that Cambridge has become harder to get into, and the trend has continued downward since 2020.

What Are Oxford's Acceptance Rates?

Compared to Cambridge, the University of Oxford tends to have slightly lower offer and acceptance rates, meaning it’s generally harder to get a place at Oxford. Here are the statistics for the 2023 Entry admissions cycle: 


Applicants: 23,211

Offers: 3,721

Acceptances: 3,219

Offer Rate: 16.0%

Acceptance Rate: 13.9%

There’s a smaller gap between the offer and acceptance rates, but Oxford generally sends out 600 – 800 fewer offers and 300 fewer acceptances each year. You can learn more about these statistics in our Oxford Acceptance Rates Guide. If you’re applying to Imperial as well as Cambridge, you can learn about its acceptance rates here

These statistics are for the overall admissions for Cambridge, so they aren’t necessarily representative of how likely you will be to get into your chosen course. Acceptance rates can vary greatly between courses, so let’s start off by reviewing the top 5 subjects at Cambridge in terms of number of applicants.

Less than 22% of Cambridge applicants were offered a place, but 59% of UniAdmissions students got their Oxbridge offer.

If you want the best chance of getting into Cambridge, enrol on a Full-Blue Programme to receive world-class application support from start to finish. Our students have access to expert resources, one-to-one tuition sessions, intensive courses and much more, all designed to give them the best possible chance of success. 

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Cambridge Admissions Statistics - Top Five Subjects

There are the five most popular courses taught by Cambridge based on the number of applicants (based on 2023 Entry admissions). Are they impossible to get into? Let’s find out: 

Cambridge Natural Sciences Acceptance Rate

Natural Sciences is one of Cambridge’s premiere courses, considered one of the best science courses in the world. This is reflected in the applicant numbers, commonly being the most applied for the course each year. 


Applicants: 2,444

Offers: 626

Acceptances: 547

Offer Rate: 25.6%

Acceptance Rate: 22.4%

As we can see, Natural Sciences actually has a fairly high offer and acceptance rate, both falling above 20%. With other 600 offers made and over 550 applicants admitted in 2023, this data proves that the most popular courses aren’t always the most competitive.

Cambridge Engineering Acceptance Rate

With just 34 fewer applicants than Natural Science in 2023, Engineering stands as Cambridge’s other iconic degree. How do the acceptance rates compare? 


Applicants: 2,410

Offers: 370

Acceptances: 333

Offer Rate: 15.4%

Acceptance Rate: 13.8%

Despite having nearly the same amount of applicants, Cambridge’s Engineering course had just over 250 fewer offers to send out, making this course a lot more competitive. However, only 37 of those offer-holders didn’t end up studying at Cambridge, so you’ll be a bit more likely to actually get your place if you receive and offer for Engineering. 

Cambridge Medicine Acceptance Rate

Medicine is one of the most popular degrees in the UK and is Cambridge’s third most popular course on offer. Medicine is infamously competitive due to the high standards of UK medical schools, but is Cambridge even more difficult to get into? 


Applicants: 1,754

Offers: 288

Acceptances: 273

Offer Rate: 16.4%

Acceptance Rate: 15.6%

These acceptance rates are still fairly low, but medicine isn’t the most competitive course Cambridge has to offer. Plus, most offer-holders confirm their place, with only 15 applications not being accepted in 2023. Interestingly, success rates for Cambridge Medicine are far higher than Oxford, which had an 8.7% acceptance rate in 2023. 

Cambridge Mathematics Acceptance Rate

In 2023, Mathematics saw an increase in applications that has now put it in the top five subjects applied for at Cambridge. It’s a popular course across the county, so let’s see how the statistics look:


Applicants: 1,588

Offers: 524

Acceptances: 258

Offer Rate: 33.0%

Acceptance Rate: 16.2%

Mathematics had by far the highest offer rate of the top five courses in 2023; over 10% more than Natural Sciences. However, just under 50% of those offer holders were actually admitted, making for an more standard acceptance rate for the course. This is one of the widest gaps between offer and acceptance rate for a Cambridge course in 2023. 

Cambridge Computer Science Acceptance Rate

Lastly, we have Computer Science, which has seen great demand from students over the last two decades. With this demand, combined with the advanced abilities required, the subject can sometimes be very hard to get into. How does Cambridge’s course fare? 


Applicants: 1,583

Offers: 147

Acceptances: 121

Offer Rate: 9.3%

Acceptance Rate: 7.6%

As we can see, Computer Science isn’t just the most competitive of the top five Cambridge degrees, but is the most competitive undergraduate course Cambridge has to offer (Graduate medicine has slightly lower success rates). 

Despite having over 1,000 fewer applicants than Natural Sciences, less than 10% of these applicants received an offer. Computer Science has the lowest success rates at the university, being the only course to have an offer rate below 10% and only one of two courses to have an acceptance rate in the single digits.

Were you surprised to see any of these subjects at the top? While these subjects have a lot of applicants to compete with, they clearly aren’t impossible to get a place on (although some are harder than others). However, are these the most competitive courses Cambridge has to offer? Let’s explore the rest of their selection to see if there are any subjects that are easier or harder to get into.

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Cambridge Acceptances Rates 2023 - A-Z

There are 25 more subjects to cover, so let’s go through them from A – Z.

Cambridge Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 62

Offers: 36

Acceptances: 19

Offer Rate: 58.1%

Acceptance Rate: 30.6%

Already, we have come across the course with the least applicants for 2023, with an extremely high offer rate to go with it! Despite this, the course also has the largest gap between offer and acceptance rates with a nearly 30% difference. However, that acceptance rate is still on the higher end. 

Cambridge Archaeology Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 82

Offers: 46

Acceptances: 32

Offer Rate: 56.1%

Acceptance Rate: 39.0%

Oxford’s Archaeology & Anthropology course had 10 fewer acceptances despite seeing over 65% more applicants, showing that this course may be a better pick for those feeling less confident. 

Cambridge Architecture Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 522

Offers: 96

Acceptances: 60

Offer Rate: 18.4%

Acceptance Rate: 11.5%

Cambridge Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 124

Offers: 51

Acceptances: 40

Offer Rate: 41.1%

Acceptance Rate: 32.2%

Cambridge Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 373

Offers: 88

Acceptances: 67

Offer Rate: 23.6%

Acceptance Rate: 18.0%

Cambridge Classics Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 126

Offers: 59

Acceptances: 50

Offer Rate: 46.8%

Acceptance Rate: 39.7%

Cambridge Classics (4 Years) Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 106

Offers: 49

Acceptances: 29

Offer Rate: 46.2%

Acceptance Rate: 27.4%

Interestingly, the 4-year variant of Classics at Cambridge has a 12% lower acceptance rate, despite having almost the same offer rate. However, these success rates are still fairly high for a Cambridge course. 

Cambridge Economics Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 1,336

Offers: 183

Acceptances: 162

Offer Rate: 13.7%

Acceptance Rate: 12.1%

Although Economics is a very popular choice amongst UK applicants, the course at Cambridge isn’t quite as popular as some of the others on offer. It actually received roughly 200 fewer applicants than in 2022 (1,513) and provided more offers, leading to increased success rates. Oxford’s Economics & Management received far more applications but had a far lower acceptance rate.

Cambridge Education Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 190

Offers: 49

Acceptances: 34

Offer Rate: 26.3%

Acceptance Rate: 17.9%

Cambridge English Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 756

Offers: 222

Acceptances: 187

Offer Rate: 29.4%

Acceptance Rate: 24.7%

Despite being one of the core subjects in UK schools, English hasn’t found the same popularity amongst Oxbridge applicants compared to Science or Mathematics, although Oxford’s English course did receive over 950 applicants in 2023. 

Cambridge Geography Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 524

Offers: 138

Acceptances: 99

Offer Rate: 26.3%

Acceptance Rate: 18.9%

Cambridge History Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 607

Offers: 213

Acceptances: 164

Offer Rate: 35.1%

Acceptance Rate: 27.0%

Cambridge History & Modern Languages Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 88

Offers: 37

Acceptances: 31

Offer Rate: 42.0%

Acceptance Rate: 35.2%

This course saw a sharp rise in success rates due to a decrease of nearly 40 applicants and an increase in offers. 2022’s acceptance rate was 24.0%, so we will have to wait and see if this trend continues into future admissions cycles. 

Cambridge History & Politics Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 342

Offers: 71

Acceptances: 67

Offer Rate: 20.8%

Acceptance Rate: 19.6%

History & Politics is the most competitive variant of History at Cambridge by a fair margin, despite having fewer applicants than standard History. 

Cambridge History of Art Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 87

Offers: 37

Acceptances: 31

Offer Rate: 42.0%

Acceptance Rate: 35.2%

Cambridge HSPS Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 1,436

Offers: 219

Acceptances: 166

Offer Rate: 15.3%

Acceptance Rate: 11.6%

HSPS stands for Human, Social & Political Sciences, and is one of the most popular Humanities courses at Cambridge, only behind Law. Some consider it the Cambridge equivalent of Oxford’s PPE

Cambridge Land Economy Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 629

Offers: 92

Acceptances: 71

Offer Rate: 14.6%

Acceptance Rate: 11.3%

Cambridge Law Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 1,580

Offers: 280

Acceptances: 230

Offer Rate: 17.7%

Acceptance Rate: 14.6%

In 2022, Law was one of the top five Cambridge courses but this year saw a decrease in applicants which saw it fall out of that group. As it stands, Law is still the most applied for Humanities degree at Cambridge. 

Cambridge Linguistics Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 119

Offers: 44

Acceptances: 26

Offer Rate: 37.0%

Acceptance Rate: 21.8%

Cambridge Modern & Medieval Languages Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 254

Offers: 155

Acceptances: 128

Offer Rate: 61.0%

Acceptance Rate: 50.4%

MML saw the highest offer and acceptance rates of any course at Cambridge. This is partly due to the sharp decrease in applicants compared to 2022 (336) while maintaining a similar number of offers and acceptances. 

Cambridge Music Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 140

Offers: 78

Acceptances: 51

Offer Rate: 55.7%

Acceptance Rate: 36.4%

Cambridge Philosophy Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 306

Offers: 69

Acceptances: 50

Offer Rate: 22.5%

Acceptance Rate: 16.3%

Cambridge PBS Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 891

Offers: 104

Acceptances: 81

Offer Rate: 11.7%

Acceptance Rate: 9.1%

PBS stands for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, and is on the higher end of competitiveness at Cambridge, with fewer than 90 acceptances across nearly 900 applicants.  

Cambridge Theology, Religion & Philosophy of Religion Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 105

Offers: 46

Acceptances: 37

Offer Rate: 43.8%

Acceptance Rate: 35.2%

Cambridge Veterinary Medicine Acceptance Rate

Applicants: 333

Offers: 90

Acceptances: 73

Offer Rate: 27.0%

Acceptance Rate: 21.9%

Compared to 2022, Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge saw its success rates increase by roughly 7% each. The course saw roughly 70 fewer applicants in 2023 while providing 11 more offers and 9 more acceptances. 

This is also the last course on our list. If you’re interested in learning about the success rates for each college at Cambridge, discover our Cambridge College Acceptance Rates Guide here. For now, though, let’s look at some of the key points in the data above. 

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Cambridge Admissions Statistics - What Can We Learn?

We’ve covered a lot of information here, and there’s much more to be found on the official Cambridge Admissions Report which can be found online. If you want to take an even deeper dive into the 2023 admissions cycle, be sure to check it out.

For now, though, let’s look at Cambridge’s Application Statistics to answer some of the most pressing questions applicants tend to have. 

Cambridge's Most Competitive & Least Competitive Courses

Applicants are always keen to learn which courses are the easiest and hardest to get into. While no course at Cambridge is actually easy to get into – you still need to put in a lot of work to meet the required standards – we’ll assume that courses with higher offer and acceptance rates are easier to get into. So let’s look at the top 5 courses for each: 

Hardest Cambridge Courses To Get Into

Firstly, let’s look at the courses with lowest offer and acceptance rates:

Lowest Offer Rates At Cambridge 2023

CourseApplicantsOffersOffer Rate
Computer Science1,5831479.3%
Land Economy6299214.6%

Lowest Acceptance Rates At Cambridge 2023

CourseApplicantsAcceptancesAcceptance Rate
Computer Science1,5831217.6%
Land Economy6297111.3%

With this data, we can confirm that Computer Science was the most difficult course to get into in 2023, the same as Oxford. As we can see, the most competitive courses at Cambridge remain fairly consistent between offer rates and acceptance rates, with only Economics and Architecture being swapped out between the lists. 

One thing to note is that none of the top 3 most popular degrees at Cambridge feature here, meaning they are less competitive despite having so many more applicants. This goes to show that you shouldn’t be put off by the amounts of applicants that apply each year, it’s all about how many offers are actually given out each year. 

Easiest Cambridge Courses To Get Into

On the opposite end, let’s look at the courses with the highest offer and acceptance rates:

Highest Offer Rates At Cambridge 2023

CourseApplicantsOffersOffer Rate
Modern & Medieval Languages25415561.0%
Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic623658.1%

Highest Acceptance Rates At Cambridge 2023

CourseApplicantsAcceptancesAcceptance Rate
Modern & Medieval Languages25412850.4%
History of Art873135.6%

As expected, most of the courses with high acceptance rates are more niche subjects with lower applications and acceptances – only Modern & Medieval Languages had over 100 offers and acceptances. 

This information is incredibly useful for those planning on applying to any of these subjects, but let’s look at a few more general data points to see what we can learn about how Cambridge tackles their admissions process.

Cambridge Admissions Statistics: STEM vs Humanities

We’ve already seen that Cambridge offers far more Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences courses compared to STEM (referred to as ‘Sciences’ by Cambridge) courses. This should mean that applications and acceptances for Humanities applicants greatly outnumber those of STEM, but the data provided by Cambridge says otherwise:  

Cambridge Humanities Application Statistics 2023

Applicants: 9,521

% of Total Applicants: 44.0%

Offers: 2,271

% of Total Offers: 49.9%

Acceptances: 1,764

% of Total Acceptances: 49.6%

Acceptance Rate: 18.5%

Cambridge STEM Application Statistics 2023

Applicants: 11,924

% of Total Applicants: 55.6%

Offers: 2,282

% of Total Offers: 50.1%

Acceptances: 1,793

% of Total Acceptances: 50.4%

Acceptance Rate: 15.0%

Despite being only 26% of the courses available at Cambridge (8/30), STEM degrees accounted for 55% of applicants and 50% of offers in 2023. This is evidence of just how in-demand Cambridge’s selection of science-based courses is. (Be aware that this data includes the Graduate Medicine course, which accounts for 548 STEM applications). 

Despite this, the acceptance rate for STEM courses is significantly lower, showing that admissions to these courses are also more demanding and competitive. There is also a fairly large divide between male and female students in STEM courses at both Cambridge and Oxford. You can learn more about this in our guide to the Oxbridge Gender Gap

Cambridge Admissions Statistics: State Vs Private School

One of the biggest issues surrounding Oxbridge admissions is the success rates between State/Maintained Schools and Private/Independent Schools, as well as the proportionality compared to student numbers in the UK. Cambridge has been working on increasing state school admissions over the years, although they have recently decided to remove their state school admissions targets. However, it’s now common to see a greater percentage of state school applicants being admitted over private school.

Cambridge State School Application Statistics 2023

Applicants: 9,491

% of Total Applicants: 68.4%

Offers: 2,423

% of Total Offers: 70.9%

Acceptances: 1,895

% of Total Acceptances: 69.3%

Acceptance Rate: 20.0%

Cambridge Private School Application Statistics 2023

Applicants: 3,503

% of Total Applicants: 25.2%

Offers: 842

% of Total Offers: 24.6%

Acceptances: 716

% of Total Acceptances: 26.2%

Acceptance Rate: 20.4%

This data only covers home applicants and excludes 4% of applicants classed under “Other”, but we can see that State schools outnumber private schools in every metric. When looking at just UK applicants, those from state schools made up 73% of acceptances compared to 27% for private schools. 

The divide between the two types of schools is much smaller when it comes to acceptance rates, with Private school students only being 0.4% more frequently admitted. 

It remains to be seen how Cambridge’s decision to remove its targets will affect 2024 admissions rates, but for now, we can definitely dispel the myth that “No one at Oxbridge is from State Schools”

Cambridge Application Statistics: International Applications

Despite the financial incentive for universities to admit more international applications, overseas applicants have generally had a much harder time being admitted to Oxford or Cambridge in recent years. There are a number of factors that can be attributed to this, but it seems that both universities generally have a preference to admit those living in the UK. 

Cambridge has presented the data for the top 25 countries for applications, so let’s look at the 5 Best and 5 Worst-Performing Countries from 2023. 

Best Performing Countries for Cambridge Admissions 2023

CountryApplications% of International ApplicationsOffers% of International OffersAcceptances% of International AcceptancesAcceptance Rate
New Zealand650.9%171.5%161.9%24.6%
Hong Kong5527.3%988.6%8210.0%14.9%

Worst Performing Countries for Cambridge Admissions 2023

CountryApplications% of International ApplicationsOffers% of International OffersAcceptances% of International AcceptancesAcceptance Rate

These rankings are based on the acceptance rate, so we can see that there’s a fairly big variance between the best and worst-performing countries.  

Starting with the best, we can see that 2023 was a stronger year for international applicants than 2022 in terms of acceptance rates. 3 countries achieved an acceptance rate of over 20%, whereas the highest acceptance rate in 2022 was 19.9%. That rate was achieved by Singapore which is one of only two countries from 2022’s top countries to return on this list. Bear in mind that countries like New Zealand and Romania had fewer than 100 applicants, but their level of success in admissions was higher than any country in the last year. 

Looking at the bottom of the list, these results may be surprising, as a lot of the entries here are major players in the Western world. Firstly, Pakistan saw a 75% decrease in acceptances compared to 2022, from 8 to just 2. This gave the countries the lowest acceptance rate of any country with over 50 applicants. Beyond this, Italy, France and the USA all maintain similarly low acceptance rates (around 6%).

The last thing to note is that China had the highest number of applicants, offers and acceptances among all international applicants.  China had almost 4 times more applicants compared to Singapore, with over 2,200 applicants in 2023. However, despite receiving 262 acceptances, China’s acceptance rate landed at a fairly average 11.5%.

We’ve explored the best colleges for international applicants in our Oxbridge Colleges for International Applicants Guide, so be sure to check it out if you’re unsure of which one to apply to. 

Overall, international applicants made up 35.3% of Cambridge applications and 23.1% of acceptances in 2023, with an overall success rate of 10.9%. This shows that overseas applicants still face an uphill battle when trying to get a place at Oxbridge. 

You should now have a better idea of what the success statistics look like for Cambridge applicants. This information will be useful in helping you decide what to apply for and understanding what kind of competition you’re up against. You may want to look at the acceptance rates for other Russell Group universities, as some of them are far less compeitive. 

Of course, you should work hard on your application no matter how high the acceptance rates are for your course, as no one is guaranteed a place at Oxbridge, especially not without an Oxbridge-quality application. This data is best used to contextualise your application and help you understand that you need to be amongst the top 16% of applicants in the world to get your place. 

If you’re looking for more information about Cambridge applications, be sure to explore our wide selection of guides, covering every step of the Cambridge admissions process. Alternatively, you could explore our Full-Blue Programmes to learn how you can enrol and receive the most comprehensive and effective Oxbridge application support available, boasting a 59% success rate. Either way, we wish you the best of luck with your Cambridge application!

Less than 22% of Cambridge applicants were offered a place, but 59% of UniAdmissions students got their Oxbridge offer.

If you want the best chance of getting into Cambridge, enrol on a Full-Blue Programme to receive world-class application support from start to finish. Our students have access to expert resources, one-to-one tuition sessions, intensive courses and much more, all designed to give them the best possible chance of success. 

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