Matthew Amalfitano-Stroud

Matt Amalfitano-Stroud joined the UniAdmissions team as an Outreach Officer, where he is now responsible for creating guides and materials to support Oxbridge applicants through the admissions process. Through his multiple years with UniAdmissions, Matt has developed a deep understanding of Oxbridge and is ready to inform applicants of any updates to the process that arise.
G5 University Applications: Your Essential Starter Guide

G5 University Applications: Your Essential Starter Guide

When researching UK university applications, you will likely have heard of Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge Universities), but you may also have heard of the ‘G5 Universities’, sometimes known as the Golden Triangle. This guide will explore what this term means, which universities are included and why you may want to apply to them.

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How We Developed The World's First Oxbridge Admissions Preparation Platform

Developing The UniAdmissions Portal

For over a decade, UniAdmissions has worked to innovate preparation support for Oxbridge admissions support. Starting from preparation materials for admissions tests, we evolved into the world’s first Oxbridge Preparatory School, offering structured programmes that feature a wide variety of components to get students into Oxbridge. Now, we have launched the newest innovation in Oxbridge admissions preparation; the UniAdmissions Portal.

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The UniAdmissions Advantage: Inside The UniAdmissions Portal

The UniAdmissions Advantage: Inside The UniAdmissions Portal

If you’re looking for the most effective way to prepare for your Oxbridge application, the UniAdmissions Portal is the answer. UniAdmissions students have access to the world’s first dedicated Oxbridge admissions preparation platform, and this guide will help you discover exactly how the Portal will help you get your offer.

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Cambridge Announces the ESAT to Replace the NSAA and ENGAA
Admissions Test

Cambridge Announces The ESAT To Replace The NSAA & ENGAA

In 2023, it was announced by the University of Cambridge that many of their established admissions tests would stop being run after the 2023 – 2024 admissions cycle. In January 2024, we have now learned what admissions test will be used for courses such as Medicine, Natural Science, Economics and Engineering.

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Oxford Offers Second Admissions Test For 2023 Maths Applicants
Admissions Test

Oxford Offers Second Admissions Test For 2023 Maths Applicants

After a large amount of complaints from students and schools regarding technical issues affecting Oxford’s various computer-based admissions tests, the Oxford Maths Department will be launching a new, shorter admissions tests for those who were affected by the issues.

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Useful Resources For Oxbridge Applicants

Useful Resources For Oxbridge Applicants

One of the best ways to support your students is to create a bank of resources for them to use in their application. This page will help you start your library with useful resources that cover the whole Oxbridge admissions process, ensuring your students have easy access to everything they need to start their preparation.

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Teacher's Starter Guide For Oxbridge Applications

Teacher’s Starter Guide For Oxbridge Applications

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or are working with Oxbridge applicants for the first time, there are still ways that you can improve your school’s support systems for your student’s applications to ensure they improve their chances of gaining their offer. This guide is designed to get you started on your journey to becoming an Oxbridge expert for your students.

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Oxbridge Financial and Applicant Support: A Teacher's Guide

Oxbridge Financial & Applicant Support: A Teacher’s Guide

Different students have different needs, and some of your students may need support from Oxbridge in order to study there. Whether it’s accessibility, financial support or help for international applicants, there are a variety of options available to those who have the academic potential to study at Oxbridge but face disadvantages in other areas. This guide will inform you of the various support options offered by Oxbridge so you can ensure all of your students have a fair chance at gaining their place at Oxford or Cambridge.

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Supporting Oxbridge Enrichment Teacher's Guide Featured Image

Supporting Oxbridge Wider Reading and Enrichment: A Teacher’s Guide

With how competitive the Oxbridge application process is, your students need more than a high-quality Personal Statement, high admissions test scores and effective interview techniques. Applicants need to further engage with the subject in extra-curricular activities, a process we call enrichment. This guide will help you support your students through a wide variety of activities that will help them develop into an ideal Oxbridge candidate.

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Academic Competitions for Oxbridge Applicants: A Teacher's Guide

Academic Competitions for Oxbridge Applicants: A Teacher’s Guide

There are many things that your students can do to bulk up their Oxbridge application, with one of the most difficult but most impressive being to enter an academic competition. Oxford and Cambridge host many competitions for a variety of subjects, many of which are aimed at university applicants. This guide will show you some of the main competitions that your students can enter.

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How To Write An Oxbridge Reference: A Teacher's Guide

How To Write An Oxbridge Reference: A Teacher’s Guide

Writing Academic References is the part of the application process that is most dependent on you, the teacher. However, just as Oxbridge applicants are expected to meet Oxbridge standards within their application, you too must write a reference that reflects your student as a capable candidate for their course. This guide will help you create the perfect academic reference for your prospective Oxbridge students.

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Oxbridge Admissions Interviews: A Complete Teacher's Guide

Oxbridge Admissions Interviews: A Complete Teacher’s Guide

The Oxbridge Interview is the final stage of most applicant’s journey. After this the admissions teams will decide who receives and offer and who does not, so a lot of pressure will be put on your applicants to perform well. This guide will show you how the process works, what they should expect from their interviews and how you can support them in their preparation.

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Oxbridge Personal Statements: A Complete Teacher's Guide
Personal Statements

Oxbridge Personal Statements: A Complete Teacher’s Guide

As a teacher, you will support students with their UCAS Personal Statements every year, but what about Personal Statements for Oxbridge applications? In this guide, we will explore what makes an Oxbridge Personal Statement different, what your students should and shouldn’t do when writing and how you can mark and provide feedback to make their statements good enough for Oxford and Cambridge.

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UCAS Applications for Oxbridge: A Complete Teacher's Guide

UCAS Applications for Oxbridge: A Complete Teacher’s Guide

As a teacher, you should already have a good understanding of the UCAS application process. However, this process is different (and more challenging) for those applying to Oxford or Cambridge, as well as UK medical schools. In this guide, you will learn about the unique obstacles that face your Oxbridge applicants and how you can support them through the UCAS process.

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