Cambridge Medicine Student Success Story
It’s important to celebrate the achievements of our students after months of hard work and dedication.
Today we are celebrating Lottie’s story of achieving a Cambridge Medicine offer. Lottie kindly sat down with Rob, our Content Team Leader, to talk through her application journey from using our Oxbridge Medicine Programme:
Let’s start the journey from when we first spoke to Lottie about her Cambridge plans during one of our free consultations.
“UniAdmissions supported my application in all aspects. I was able to secure high marks in the UCAT and BMAT with the help of the courses, and I felt able to answer the questions in my Cambridge Interview with confidence. I definitely have UniAdmissions to thank for helping me to secure a Cambridge offer – without them, I would have struggled much more.” – Lottie

1. Initial Contact And Meeting Your Tutor
I know it was a while ago Lottie, but can you remember why you first contacted UniAdmissions?
I had decided that I wanted to study medicine and apply to Oxbridge but wasn’t sure how to go about preparing for the lengthy and competitive application process. UniAdmissions appealed to me as it seemed to cover all aspects of the application and would provide one-to-one support whenever you needed it. I was particularly excited by the enrichment programme, as the background scientific knowledge for Oxbridge Interviews was something I was worried about.
My school only offered a single mock Interview for 15 of us applying so I felt I needed more support. I’m glad I did contact you now because only two of us got offers.

What was your initial session with your tutor like?
In the first session with my tutor, we both got to know each other better and discussed what I wanted to get out of our time together. I had been worried that it might be awkward, or the pace might be too fast, but these concerns were unfounded.
My tutor was amazing at tailoring the sessions to my ability and was really supportive throughout the whole process. I especially appreciated that UniAdmissions paired me with someone who shares my love for infectious diseases as this enabled me to learn even more about a topic I’m really passionate about.

Did you have any initial concerns with working with us?
At first, I was concerned that the time commitment would be too much to fit into my schedule. However, once I really got started, I found your support useful but as I do lots of extracurricular activities, such as sports and orchestra, losing some of my spare time was hard at first. I feel that I would not have been so consistent with revision without the structured learning and weekly sessions like the enrichment seminars and one-to-ones. It was definitely worth rearranging my other commitments.

2. Cambridge Medicine Application Support
Aside from your initial session, how did you find the one-to-ones?
I found the one-to-one sessions really useful for improving my knowledge of medicine academically, as my tutor delivered presentations on each of the major systems of the human body. This enabled me to extend my understanding far beyond the A-level curriculum and helped me to feel really prepared for the Interview. One of the questions my tutor had asked me ended up coming up in my real Interview, so the sessions were definitely good preparation!

What was your favourite part of our Admissions Test support?
I found the BMAT and UCAT courses the most useful part of the Admissions Test support, as I was able to hear from students who had been through the process before. I gained some really useful tips on strategies for different question types, and how to cope with the stress and time pressure on the day of the BMAT and UCAT. As a result of this and my other preparations, I gained high marks on both Admissions Tests.

How did you benefit from our Interview support?
Attending the weekend-long Oxbridge Interview course was one of the most useful parts of all my Interview preparation. I was able to practice lots of different Interview questions and get feedback from both a tutor and other students. As the tutor had access to my Personal Statement, I was able to practice questions personalised to me, which made the experience even more valuable. As well as honing my own Interview skills, being able to see other people answer similar questions enabled me to reflect on my own answers and how I could improve further.

You mentioned the Enrichment Sessions Lottie, what did you think of them?
The enrichment sessions were invaluable in introducing me to a huge variety of areas of medicine and healthcare, which really aided me in my actual Cambridge Interview. The breadth and depth in which topics were covered was amazing. I especially enjoyed having debates with other students on ethical issues, as it was really interesting to hear alternative viewpoints. My favourite session was on comparing different healthcare systems around the world, as I learnt a lot from the other participants, and I gained a new appreciation for the disparities that exist around the world.

3. Our Impact And Looking Towards The Future
How has your confidence with your application improved since using our support?
My confidence has definitely improved as a result of UniAdmissions’ support. I feel much more assured in my science knowledge and communication skills through attending the Interview Course and sessions with my personal tutor. Through doing lots of mock Interviews on your course, and learning about the different concepts, I have gained a lot of confidence in working through questions which will really help with Cambridge supervisions.

What impact do you feel we made on your application process?
UniAdmissions supported my application in all aspects. I was able to secure high marks in the UCAT and BMAT with the help of the courses, and I felt able to answer the questions in my Cambridge Interview with confidence as a result of the preparation from my personal tutor and through attending the weekly Enrichment Sessions. I definitely have UniAdmissions to thank for helping me to secure a Cambridge offer – without them, I would have struggled much more.

Looking forwards now to university, what can you take away from our support to help you in further education?
Thanks to UniAdmissions, I will start university next year with improved confidence in my abilities. I have a much better understanding of medicine and the surrounding ethical issues, which will definitely help me when going into a career in healthcare in the future.

Lastly, Lottie, who would you recommend us to and why?
I would recommend UniAdmissions to any prospective medicine students who are thinking of applying to Oxbridge. The support supplied by UniAdmissions is so comprehensive that any worries about Interviews or Admissions Tests are quickly resolved. That said, even with UniAdmissions support, it definitely still requires hard work and dedication to make it worth applying.

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Read through our other Student Success Stories:
Cambridge Economics
“I never let myself expect to get an offer, but I can confidently say that I would have struggled in preparing for the process without UniAdmissions’ support.”

Oxford E&M
“My confidence improved massively since using the support of UniAdmissions as I knew I had people I could rely on to help, and that there was expertise at all times.”

Cambridge Engineering
“Consistently practising with UniAdmissions helped me gain a lot of confidence and the Cambridge Interview ended up going well.”

Oxford Medicine
“Working with UniAdmissions really boosted my confidence around the Interviews and Personal Statement due to feeling more aware of the process.”

Cambridge Medicine
“My confidence has definitely improved as a result of UniAdmission’s support. I feel much more assured in my science knowledge and communication skills.”

Oxford PPE
“UniAdmissions made my application process much less daunting and easier to understand. It felt like I had a bigger chance of succeeding.”

To comply with the requests of our students, the photos and names used are not those of our students.