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The UniAdmissions Learning Centre has been created with students in mind. We only ever post articles and posts from expert tutors and students currently studying at the world’s top universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. You can find admissions test support, interview advice and articles about day-to-day life studying your subject at university. What are you waiting for – dive in!

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bird-eye view of 4 students studying around a table with text over the top of the image

How To Revise Effectively: The Ultimate Guide

Whether you’re taking an admissions test or preparing for your end-of-year exams, revision is essential to achieving the results you need for success. To help you hone your own revision approach, we’ve created this ultimate guide offering the very best tips to revise effectively for your exams.

Academic Stress & What High-Performing Students Struggle With

Academic Stress & What High-Performing Students Struggle With

If you’re a high performer in your studies, you’ve likely felt academic stress at least once during your education. Great performance can often lead to high expectations and a lack of understanding from others about what it takes to achieve these results, which can be frustrating and negatively impact how you work. In this guide, we’ll explore common struggles for high-performing students and how you can reduce the risk of burnout.