
In partnership with

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From your summer school experience, to your dream place at Oxbridge.

Turn your university dream into reality through an exclusive Programme available at a reduced investment, exclusively for Immerse Education students.

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A Partnership To Give You The Best Of Both Worlds.

UniAdmissions and Immerse Education both exist to empower students from all over the world to unlock their full potential. We believe in the impact of Immerse Education’s Programmes, and they believe in ours.

Together, we aim to empower the next generation of leaders.

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What is included in the Oxbridge Programme?

The Oxbridge Programme provides comprehensive support to help you craft a compelling personal statement, enhance your admission test score, and excel in your interview. Every aspect of the program is tailored to enhance your chances of getting accepted. We are the world’s first Oxbridge preparatory program with a truly unique curriculum. Our approach yields results.

What we do works.

Your Oxbridge Programme gives you support through various mediums – all chosen specifically to increase your chances of acceptance dramatically.

Tap on the cards to see more details about our programme’s components.

Firstly we will help you make the right decision regarding course and University choice. Whether this is through a meeting with our Academic Director or by arranging sessions with tutors from Oxford and/or Cambridge in your considered subject areas. We will help you come to an informed conclusion on one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

You will receive a full introduction to your Programme by your Programme Team, along with your tutor, and our Academic Director. Throughout your time with us, they will be here to help.

As part of the programme, you will be guided by a top-performing Oxbridge tutor who was in the Top 10% of their cohort. You will have unlimited sessions with this tutor, to ensure you get the exact attention you need to succeed.
These personalized sessions allow you to steer your own learning with the guidance of your tutor, who will ensure that each session is impactful and has aided in enhancing your abilities and understanding.

Limitless, honed in one-to-one support with your expert Oxbridge tutor – all with homework and reports.

Get access to a specially curated library of UniAdmissions-published textbooks that cover every aspect of your application and are filled with helpful tips and practice materials. Plus, available exclusively to our students, you will have exclusive access to the UniAdmissions Academy, our advanced question bank, and the UniAdmissions Reading Lists.

Finely-tuned resources in a range of mediums to help you practice and learn for your application.

As part of the programme, you will be invited to a series of full-day intensive courses covering every major part of your application, your Personal Statement, Admission Test and Interview. Each session is run by an expert tutor from Oxford and Cambridge who will teach you essential theory and guide you through the best strategies for your application.

Our courses are highly interactive and provide opportunities to ask your course tutor any lingering questions, both in group sessions and individually.

Highly effective one-day courses that cover key components of your application, including the Admission Test and Interview.

*This course would be specific to your subject – the BMAT course linked is an example.

To be a competitive Oxbridge applicant, it’s essential to exhibit genuine interest and comprehension of the subject matter, and that’s precisely what our Enrichment Seminars aim to facilitate.

From the very first week of the programme, you will have the opportunity to participate in Enrichment Supervision sessions specifically tailored for your subject, which will provide you with exposure to subject material beyond the standard curriculum. Being able to discuss these topics will help boost your interview skills and help you stand out to the admissions tutors.

Develop a deeper understanding of your subject and go beyond your curriculum, as you would at Oxbridge.

Every student will receive supplementary assistance from their designated mentor – a senior tutor. Your Mentor will be there to support you with complex areas of your application and will assist you in any areas of difficulty throughout their programme. This could be (but is not limited to) support navigating the UCAS system, identifying and securing relevant work experience, and guidance on letters of reference.

You’ll be assigned an academic mentor for guidance and will be able to contact them whenever you require..

The UniAdmissions Portal is your link between all of the support and resources offered in your Programme and you. You’ll find everything included in your Programme available in your personalised Portal account. As a student this is your Programme Hub. With monthly updates, you’ll stay in the loop and never miss a step in your preparation. Stay informed about tasks, important dates and your progress, and be confident that you’re always on the right path! You’ll get access upon enrolment to a Programme.

A personalised online platform which will guide you through your Programme as a student, or help you track your child’s progress as a parent.

My confidence improved massively since using the support of UniAdmissions as I knew I had people I could rely on to help, and that there was guidance and expertise at all times. I didn’t receive the necessary help from school and so having UniAdmissions’ specialised support was vital in increasing my understanding of the process, and therefore increasing my confidence.

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We get more students into Oxbridge each year than the top 10 schools for Oxbridge admissions.

We are the most successful school for Oxbridge applicants – we’ve helped more than 500 students get placed at Oxford and Cambridge. Our Oxbridge Programmes have been carefully designed from the ground up to ensure our students have the highest chance of success when applying to Oxbridge.

Our statistics speak for themselves.

Statistics from 2022 entry. Source article.

What's our secret to unparalleled Oxbridge success rates?

The Portal provides the pathway to your dream offer at Oxford or Cambridge. When you enrol on your Programme, you’ll be given access to your personalised Portal which will guide you through our carefully developed curriculum. The Portal is the heart of your Programme.

Your path to Oxbridge is ready and waiting – all you need to do is follow it.

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My confidence improved massively since using the support of UniAdmissions as I knew I had people I could rely on to help, and that there was guidance and expertise at all times. I didn’t receive the necessary help from school and so having UniAdmissions’ specialised support was vital in increasing my understanding of the process, and therefore increasing my confidence.

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How do I enrol?

To get started on your journey with UniAdmissions, you’ll need to arrange to speak with an Admissions Consultant who will assess your application and how viable you are as a candidate.

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Book your 30-minute consultation (free of charge) using the widget below:


Got some questions about the Full Blue Programme or the link between Immerse Education and UniAdmissions? You might just find the answer here. If not, you can always reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help!

To get started with a UniAdmissions Programme, you will need to speak to an Admissions Consultant. You can arrange this easily through LiveChat, booking a consultation or calling us directly.

You can see what this process looks like by clicking here.

We do have ideal start times at points throughout the year, however, the syllabus can be adapted to suit your particular start time if you are accepted onto the Programme. Our Admissions Consultants can help you understand the Programme timeline in your specific case – all you need to do is ask.

UniAdmissions has admired Immerse Education for many years. Their approach to learning and teaching shares many parallels with our own. We both believe in transformative, immersive learning experiences that will benefit the student not only in the short term, but for the rest of their lives. The partnership between Immerse Education and UniAdmissions exists to build and improve on this for every student that chooses to work with us.

First and foremost, we assess whether the potential student has the right academic capabilities and profile to be realistically accepted to study at Oxford or Cambridge. In specific terms, this means you will be aiming to achieve at least 3 As at A-Level, and achieved mainly 8s and 9s at GCSE.

Secondly, we assess whether the student is capable and willing to put in the time required to create a strong application for Oxbridge.

Finally, we assess the student’s attitude and reasoning behind applying to Oxford or Cambridge. This is one of our most important considerations.

If a student has below-average (but still realistic) grades for Oxford and Cambridge, but the correct attitude, we would consider accepting them onto our Programme. Unfortunately, if the converse is the case, it’s unlikely the student would be accepted onto the Programme.

UniAdmissions is committed to giving the very best service to every student. Our talented tutors are the key to the excellent service we pride ourselves on, passing on not only their expertise, but also their enthusiasm to inspire the next generation to succeed.

All tutors are either current senior students, recent graduates or from a professional background. Our selection process ensures only the best tutors work for us, in roles most suited to their skill-sets.

UniAdmissions are committed to providing the highest quality service to you. If you are unhappy with your Programme at any point, you can contact your Dedicated Programme Manager to arrange a new tutor and discuss any issues – we will do everything we can to keep you satisfied.

If you’re still unhappy with your Programme, we offer a risk-free cooling-off period in which you can cancel if you meet our Terms and Conditions.

The Programme Portal is where you will find all of the support and resources for your Programme.

You can think of the Portal as the hub of all the materials included within your Programme. If you are ever looking for a relevant book, an online course, course dates or anything along those lines, the Portal is very likely to be your answer.

You can also use the Portal to get in touch with our team at any point.

This will need applying across all Oxbridge Programmes, then interview and test tuition.